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FirstClass 8 Unified Communications Quick Reference
for Octel TUI (FirstClass client version)

Copyright  2001, 2004, 2007 by Open Text Corp.
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This edition applies to Version 8.0 of FirstClass and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This document is bound by international copyright law and the FirstClass Software License Agreement and Limited Warranty included with every FirstClass product.

FirstClass Unified Communications
FirstClass Unified Communications integrates all FirstClass modules giving you one unified Mailbox for all messages, be they voice, fax, or text.
FirstClass Unified Communications enables you to access your phone and fax messages along with your email messages from your FirstClass client or from a web browser, just as you have always accessed your email. Phone messages are stored on the FirstClass server in standard .wav format, which is playable on virtually any platform.
FirstClass Unified Communications, with the Centigram TUI emmulation, enables you to access your phone messages from any phone, just as you have always accessed your voice mail.
Using a fax machine to access your FirstClass Mailbox, you can download your new fax messages.
You can also unify all your existing voice mailboxes so all of your voice messages will go to your FirstClass Mailbox, regardless of which of your phones was called.
FirstClass Unified Communications helps you work more efficiently and easily. Your location or technology will no longer determine what types of messages you can access. All your messages are stored on one central Mailbox that can be accessed using any web browser, any phone, or a FirstClass client. Never again will you have to log into your email, check your office phone voicemail, your cell phone voicemail, and your home phone answering machine to find that one important message. Simply log in from wherever you are, using whatever device is handiest and retrieve and manage all your messages.

Voice Greetings
With FirstClass Unified Communications, you can create as many greetings as you like. Create greetings for specific callers, and/or chosen called numbers, and schedule them to play at specific times.
There are five main types of greetings:
Spoken name
You should record a spoken name. It is used for system identification.
External greeting
External greetings will play for callers outside of your organization.
Internal greeting
Internal greetings will play for callers within your organization calling your internal extension number from their internal extensions.
Unknown caller
An Unknown caller greeting will play for any caller with unknown or blocked caller ID.
Voice menu
You can create voice menus to manage and redirect inbound calls. For more information, see FirstClass Unified Communications User Guide.
This document describes how to record your spoken name and create one standard greeting. To record multiple customized greetings, see FirstClass Unified Communications User Guide.

Recording your name
1       Log into your Mailbox.
2       Press 4 for personal options.
3       Press 3 to access your greetings.
4       Press 3 to record your name.
5       Press 1 to play your name.
6       Press * to rerecord your name.

Recording a greeting
1       Log into your Mailbox.
2       Press 4 for personal options.
3       Press 3 to access your greetings.
4       Press 1 to record a greeting.

Customizing greetings
Once you have recorded a greeting using the phone, it is enabled and callers will hear your greeting when they call. If you want the greeting to play for all callers all the time, no customization is required.
If you prefer to customize your greetings to be scheduled or to play for certain callers or called numbers, see FirstClass Unified Communications User Guide.

Voice preferences
Changing your password
1       Log into your Mailbox.
2       Press 4 to change your personal options.
3       Press 2 to change your administration options.
4       Press 1 to change your password.
4       Enter a new password followed by #.
5       Reenter your new password followed by #.
6       Enter your old passcode followed by #.
Your default preferences
When your FirstClass Unified Communications account is created, your default preferences are preset. The default preferences allow you to:
•       recieve a notification in your Mailbox when a caller hangs up without leaving a message
•       use your FirstClass client, a web browser, or any phone to retrieve and manage all messages
•       receive fax messages in your Mailbox.
To alter your voice preferences, use the FirstClass Preferences form, Voice messaging tab.

Working with messages using a phone
The following section describes the basics of using a phone to listen to and manage voice, text and fax messages with FirstClass Unified Communications.

Logging in
1       Dial into the FirstClass Unified Communications system (your administrator will give you the number).
2       When prompted, enter your Mailbox number, followed by #.
If you are calling from a phone which has been set up as a valid phone number for your Mailbox, you only need to press #.
3       When prompted, enter your password, followed by #.
If your Administrator set up your account without a password, press #. For security, set a password the first time you log in.

Listening to and managing messages
You can access all messages by phone. The only attachments that can be downloaded are fax messages (see Retrieving fax messages using Faxback).
Choose one of the following commands when accessing your messages by phone:
11      Check unheard messages (oldest first)
1       Listen to previously read messages (oldest first)
After listening to a message, you can do any of the following:
#       Go to the next message
4       Replay message
5       Play message envelope
6       Forward message with comments
You can forward a message to another FirstClass Unified Communications user.
Once you have addressed the list of recipients, you will be prompted to record a message. You can send the message without recording comments.
7       Delete the message (and go to next message)
8       Reply to sender
Reply to only the person who sent the message, not other message recipients.
You can only reply to a FirstClass Unified Communications  user who called from an identified FirstClass Unified Communications number.
If you wish to attach the original, forward the message instead.
*       Cancel message review (return to checking messages)

Creating and sending messages
You can create and send a message by phone to another FirstClass Unified Communications user.
1       Log into your Mailbox.
2       Press 2 to send a message.
3       Record the message, followed by # to end recording.
4       optional
Press 11 to review the message.
Press 2 to rerecord the message.
5       When you are satisfied with your recording, press #.
6       Address the list of recipients (any FirstClass Unified Communications number(s)), separated by #. End the list with a second #.
7       optional
Press 0 for options:
Press 1 to tag the message private.
Press 2 to tag the message urgent.
Press 3 to confirm receipt of the message.
Press * to exit the optional commands menu.
        Press * to erase the message.
6       Press # to send the message.

Retrieving fax messages using Faxback
To retrieve faxes, call into your Mailbox from a fax machine handset.
1       Log into your Mailbox using a fax machine handset.
2       To receive the fax immediately (ending your message retrieval session)
Press 1
Press Start on the fax machine.
Replace the handset.
To tag the message for end of session delivery
Press 3.
Listen to all of your messages and tag any other faxes.
Press * to log off.
Press Start on the fax machine.
Replace the handset.
3       The fax will print out on the fax machine and the system will disconnect when the fax has finished printing.

Working with messages using the FirstClass client
You can retrieve any message using your FirstClass client. For general information about working with messages, see FirstClass Quick Reference.
A Mailbox with a Called, No message notification, a fax message, and a voice message looks like this:

Voice messages
A voice message will look like this:
A voice message is received as a FirstClass message with a .wav file attachment. The first time you open the message, the attachment will play automatically.
To replay the message, click Play on the recorder panel.
To adjust the playback volume for this message only, use the volume control to the right of the recorder panel.
Replying to and forwarding voice messages
Reply to and forward a voice message the same as a text message. When replying, if the original sender does not have an associated email address known by FirstClass, you need to change the "To" name.
If you wish to include the original message with the reply, forward the message instead of replying.

Fax messages
A fax message will look like this:
With the default fax setting (PCX format), there will be one attachment per page.
To view a fax page, double-click the attachment.

Called, No message
If a caller doesn’t leave a message, you will see a notification containing the caller information.