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Use this form to search for objects.

The text you want to find.
If you type multiple words, FirstClass assumes that you want everything that contains at least one of these words.
If you selected text before you opened this form using Search for Selected Text, that text is automatically displayed in this field.
More options
Displays search options that enable you to customize your search.
Only items created or modified in the last
Choose a time period, or type the number of days, to retrieve only objects created or modified during this period.
or from... to...
The date range you want to search.
If you are searching by date, fill in these fields or "Only items created or modified in the last", not both.
The type of object you are trying to find. The value Everything includes objects in addition to containers, documents, messages, and files (for example, calendar items).
Unread items only
Only searches objects that you haven't read.
Searches the parent container plus any subcontainers.
This may increase search time significantly.
Max. depth
How many levels of containers to search.
Specify "1" to search the top level only, "2" to search that level plus the next level down, and so on.
81203_42935_18.png        Tip
To search for all unread objects in conferences on your Desktop, specify "1", combined with "Unread items only".
My containers only
Only searches containers that you created.
Subject/name and other list fields
Searches all information that can be displayed in list view, with the exception of "From" and "To/Cc" names.
Attachment names
2102006_35208_0.png Doesn't apply to external folders or drives.
Searches the names of files attached to objects.
To find all objects with attachments, select this and leave "Find" blank.
"From" name
2102006_35208_0.png Doesn't apply to external folders or drives.
Searches message senders' names.
This is useful for finding all messages sent by a specific person.
"To/Cc" names
2102006_35208_0.png Doesn't apply to external folders or drives.
Searches recipients' names in the "To" and "Cc" fields of messages.
You must select this to search for all names in the "To" fields, rather than just the first name, and to search for "Cc" names. FirstClass' default search doesn't include them.
History records
Searches the names in objects' histories.
You must select this to search histories. FirstClass's default search doesn't include them.
This may increase search time significantly.
Text body
Searches the content and envelopes of objects.
This may increase search time significantly.
Limit results to
The number of objects you want listed in the search results window.
FirstClass stops searching after this number has been reached.
Show results as
In most cases, you will choose:
For messages, documents, and files.
Results are shown as a list.
For contact information.
Results are shown as a contact database in index card view.
For calendar items.
Results are shown as a calendar.
Use layout from searched container for results window
Shows the search results window in the same layout as the container you are searching.
If you are searching multiple containers, the layout is the same as the container in which the first match was found.
Save Search button
Saves these search options as a stored search that you can reuse, in the container you are searching.

For more information