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Form tabs
Use this form to configure FirstClass Personal.

Connection tab
Use this tab to specify connection information between FirstClass Personal and your server.

Main settings file
The name of the settings file you normally use to connect to the server.
Secondary settings file
The name of a backup settings file to use to connect to the server, in case FirstClass Personal cannot connect using your main settings file.
The connection protocol, server identification, and so on, may be different in this settings file.
Host user ID
Your user ID on this server.
Host password
Your password on this server.
If you change your password while working online, be sure to change this field as well.

Scheduling tab
Use this tab to schedule when FirstClass Personal will connect to your server.

Connect to send mail
Connects to the server whenever you send mail.
Connect at startup
Connects to the server when FirstClass Personal starts.
Connect at shutdown
Connects to the server when you quit FirstClass Personal.
Connection interval
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies if you want FirstClass Personal to connect to the server on a regular basis.
The number of days, hours, or minutes to wait between connections.
Enter the number in the first field and choose the units at the second field.
Connect Now button
Connects immediately.

Replication tab
Use this tab to specify replication options between FirstClass Personal and your server.

Select the objects that you want to synchronize with the server.
Whenever you connect to the server, all objects in these containers are synchronized.
Log synchronization
Adds synchronization details to the FirstClass Personal log that logs other FirstClass Personal activity, and generates the FirstClass Personal synchronization log.
Replicate conference messages
Replicates unread messages in conferences set up for offline use whenever FirstClass Personal connects to the server.
Directory information to update
The Directory information you want replicated to your offline Directory whenever FirstClass Personal connects to the server.
You can replicate no Directory information, only routing information, or both routing information and user names.
Conference and mail list names are not replicated.
Maximum message size
Messages larger than this will not be replicated. Values are in kilobytes.
Display replication status
When you want FirstClass Personal to display the Replication Status window. This is the window that you see by default when you start FirstClass Personal.
You can choose to see this window all the time, never, or only when replication is taking place.

Cleanup tab
Use this tab to control how much disk space your offline mail takes up.

Leave read mail on server
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies to pre-9.0 versions of FirstClass Personal.
Keeps copies of messages you have read using FirstClass Personal on the server.
Private mail expiry
2102006_35208_0.png Only applies to pre-9.0 versions of FirstClass Personal.
The number of days before messages in your offline Mailbox expire.
This doesn't affect your Mailbox on the server.
Conference items expiry
The number of days before items in your offline conferences expire.
This doesn't affect the conferences on the server.
Minimum free disk space
The minimum amount of disk space that must be available on your computer for FirstClass Personal to be fully functional.
If the amount of free disk space drops below this value, you cannot send mail using FirstClass Personal, and information is no longer replicated.
We recommend that you specify at least 2% of your total available disk space, to avoid the problems that can occur when your disk runs out of space.

Addressing tab
Use this tab to specify how recipients' names will be handled.

Append host site name
Adds the server name to the name you type.
This lets you just type the recipient's name. This name is validated after the message is replicated.
Validate site names
Routes messages to sites that are in the server's Directory after replication.
This lets you type a site name that is not in your offline Directory as part of the recipient's address.
For more information