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Where am I?

This is your Contacts folder. It's the place for you to store email addresses and other information about your personal contacts.
You can address mail to these contacts just as you can to other users on your server. Once a contact is in your Contacts folder, FirstClass knows about it, and can finish addressing your message when you type a portion of the contact's name.
If you send messages to the same group of contacts, you can also create a mail list containing all their names, and simply address the messages to the mail list.

What can I do here?

Sort contacts
To sort your contacts by last name, first name, category, or company name, use the Quick Sort toolbar button.
Add contacts
To add a contact to your Contacts folder, click New and update the contact form with whatever information is useful to you. You need to include at least one email address if you want FirstClass to be able to complete a partial contact name when you address a message.
Import and export contacts
You can also import (and export) contact information between FirstClass and another email system.
Add mail lists
To add a mail list, choose New Mail List from the New button dropdown arrow and add names to the mail list form just as you would add names when addressing a message.
Create contact databases
Your Contacts folder is your personal version of a contact database. You can create additional contact databases.

Is there more?

For more information about contact management, click here. You can also choose Help > Contents at any time, and open Client Help.