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Where am I?

This is your File Storage folder. It's a place for you to store files in various media (such as text, pictures, sound files, and movies) for your personal use. It shows you the file type, plus thumbnails of pictures and a player for playing sound files. It also provides toolbar buttons for all the tasks you commonly do with files, such as uploading and downloading them, previewing them, and sending them to other users.

What can I do here?

Upload files
To upload a file to this folder:
7242006_44557_5.png        Click Upload.
7242006_44627_6.png        Select the file.
The uploaded file displays its file type in the Type column.
If your computer is connected to a microphone, you can also upload a sound file by recording it. To do this, choose Edit > Insert > Insert Voice and make your recording.
Download files
To download a file from this folder:
7242006_44557_5.png        Select the file.
7242006_44627_6.png        Click Download.
7242006_44650_7.png        Select the location on your computer where you want the file to be saved.
Preview files
To preview an uploaded file, select it, then click Open Selected.
Attach files to messages
To attach a selected file to a new message, click Send to Recipient.
Organize your files into folders
You can organize the files in your File Storage folder into subfolders.
To create a subfolder:
7242006_44557_5.png        Click New Folder.
7242006_44627_6.png        Select the template you want your folder to use.
7242006_44650_7.png        Name your folder.
To move a file into a folder:
7242006_44557_5.png        Select the file.
7242006_44627_6.png        Click Move to Folder.
7242006_44650_7.png        Select the folder.

Is there more?

For more information about file storage, click here. You can also choose Help > Contents at any time, and open Client Help.