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Use this form to create a rule for handling mail received by this container.

The name you want to give this rule.
Makes this rule run each time mail is received by this container.
The condition that incoming mail must meet before this rule will handle it in the way you specify at "Then".
Depending on your choice at the first field, additional fields may be displayed. Complete all displayed fields to build your condition.
Where you can type a phrase (for example, names or subjects), FirstClass looks for the whole phrase, not for each individual word in the phrase. You can type in upper or lower case.
These are some terms and conditions that may not be self explanatory:
There are no conditions.
This rule will apply to every piece of mail received by this container.
within/not within
Choose a time period, type the number of days, or type a value such as 1w 3d 4h.
A user group assigned by your administrator.
Includes attachments.
spam level
How likely this message is to be spam. It is automatically set for all incoming Internet messages.
You can choose from Low (least likely to be spam), Medium or High (most likely to be spam), or specify a number (the higher the number, the more likely the message is to be spam).
Check with your administrator to see which values are appropriate for your system.
The action to take when the incoming mail meets the condition you specified at "If".
Depending on your choice at the first field, additional fields may be displayed. Complete all displayed fields to build your action.
These are some actions that may not be self explanatory:
Do nothing.
Automatically reply with fixed text
Type the reply message in the next field.
You can add a subject prefix by typing it in the prefix field.
Automatically reply with preferences autoreply text
The reply message will use the autoreply text from your preferences.
Delete silently
Deletes the mail and doesn't notify the sender. This is useful for Internet spam where you don't want the sender to know yours is a valid email address.
File in folder
You can only file mail in subcontainers that are within this container.
Deletes the mail and sends the sender an NDN.
Set expiry period
Defines when mail will be ready for FirstClass to automatically delete. Choose a time period, type the number of days, or type a value such as 1w 3d 4h.

If The sender matches
Then Delete silently
This rule will delete any mail sent by
For more information